Κάθε μεμονωμένη πίστη ειδικότερα υπερηφανεύεται για τις διάσημες μορφές της, οι οποίες διαμόρφωσαν τα πνευματικά και ηθικά θεμέλια των κοινοτήτων τους με το παράδειγμα και τις διδασκαλίες τους. Αυτές οι μορφές, με βαθιά σοφία και αφοσίωση, υποστήριξαν τη διάδοση της πίστης, της ειρήνης και της συμπόνιας. Οι τύχες και τα επιτεύγματά τους έχουν γίνει σύμβολα […]
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Turning Old: A Domestic Workers’ Nightmare
Tithli Ben migrated to Delhi in 1969 at the age of 19 after marriage to Dumru Bhai, a mechanic working in a small workshop in Mehrauli in South Delhi. They settled in a small juggie near the workshop. Dumru Bhai was on contract, and used to get paid based on work done. Since it was […]
ILO: Decent Work Country Programme for India Contract labourers are now entitled to provident fund, gratuity, bonus in automobile maker Hind Motor. The CITU – affiliated Hooghly Zila Thika Shramik Union, representing 800 odd contract workers has signed a wage agreement with the management in September 1995. This is a significant achievement where the contract […]
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“Promote opportunities for all women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and dignity” declares the recently adopted document-Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) for India (2007-2012). The International Labour Organisation`s (ILO`s) agenda of decent work for all has evolved into a very unique country programme, with India to […]
Meru Cab Strike Around 1,100 Meru cabs stayed off the roads in Delhi on 7 April 2010 to protest against the business models being followed by the operators. The drivers claimed that they have to pay to the operators Rs 800 per day and, often, this amount had to be paid by the drivers because […]
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